Bilateral Tapping for Anxiety: A Step-by-Step Guide

Kaushik M. of
4 min readAug 22, 2023

Bilateral tapping is a mind-body technique that employs gentle tapping on specific acupoints on the body while focusing on anxiety-provoking thoughts or feelings. Tapping is believed to help balance the body’s energy flow and reduce the emotional charge associated with anxiety.

The acupoints utilized in bilateral tapping are located on the meridians, invisible pathways thought to carry energy throughout the body. Tapping on these acupoints is thought to stimulate energy flow, promoting balance in the body’s overall energy system.

bilateral tapping for anxiety

How does bilateral tapping work?

The precise mechanism behind bilateral tapping isn’t fully understood, but a few theories offer insights into how it might function. One theory posits that bilateral tapping reduces activity in the sympathetic nervous system, responsible for the fight-or-flight response. Tapping on acupoints is believed to signal safety and relaxation to the brain, thereby diminishing the body’s stress response.

Another theory suggests that bilateral tapping enhances communication between the brain’s left and right hemispheres. The left hemisphere handles logical thinking, while the right deals with emotions. Tapping on acupoints is believed to integrate the activities of both hemispheres, potentially reducing emotional distress.

How to perform bilateral tapping for anxiety

There are numerous approaches to practicing bilateral tapping for anxiety. Here’s a simple method to follow:

  1. Find a quiet, undisturbed place.
  2. Sit or lie down comfortably and close your eyes.
  3. Bring to mind the anxiety-inducing thought or feeling you wish to address.
  4. Tap on the following acupoints while repeating a phrase that accepts the thought or feeling:
    — The side of your hand, just below your little finger (Karate Chop Point)
    — The top of your head (Brow Point)
    — The inside of your eye (Inner Eye Point)
    — Under your eye (Under Eye Point)
    — Beside your nose (Side of Nose Point)
    — Under your chin (Chin Point)
    — The center of your chest (Chest Point)
    — The side of your hand, just below your little finger (Karate Chop Point)
  5. Continue tapping on the acupoints and repeating the phrase until you sense relief from the anxiety.
  6. You can practice bilateral tapping for as long as you need.

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Benefits of bilateral tapping for anxiety

Bilateral tapping can prove highly effective in reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation. Some advantages of using bilateral tapping for anxiety include:

  • It’s a safe and easily learned technique.
  • It’s adaptable to any location and time.
  • It addresses both acute and chronic anxiety.
  • It aids various anxiety-related issues like panic attacks, phobias, and social anxiety.
  • It complements other treatments like therapy or medication.

If you’re interested in trying bilateral tapping for anxiety, numerous resources can assist you. Books, websites, and videos offer instructions on how to perform bilateral tapping. Trained practitioners are also available to teach you and guide your personalized treatment plan.

Here are some additional tips for maximizing the benefits of bilateral tapping for anxiety:

  • Select a meaningful phrase expressing acceptance of anxiety-inducing thoughts or feelings.
  • Stay present, and focus on tapping and the chosen phrase, during practice.
  • Allow yourself to experience the emotions that arise during tapping.
  • Exercise patience and don’t anticipate immediate improvement. It might take a few sessions before noticing a change.

In summary, bilateral tapping is a secure and effective method to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. If you’re struggling with anxiety, considering bilateral tapping as a technique is worth exploring.

Bilateral Tapping and EMDR Therapy

Bilateral tapping and EMDR therapy are both mind-body techniques that utilize bilateral stimulation to assist individuals in processing emotional trauma. In EMDR therapy, therapists employ eye movements, tapping, or other forms of bilateral stimulation to guide clients in focusing on a traumatic memory while simultaneously stimulating both sides of the brain. This aids in memory integration and reduces the emotional distress linked to it.

Bilateral tapping is akin to EMDR therapy as it employs bilateral stimulation for processing emotional trauma. However, bilateral tapping can be performed by clients themselves, eliminating the necessity for a therapist. This renders it a more accessible and cost-effective option for individuals seeking to manage anxiety and other emotional issues.

Discover the Journey to Healing: The 8 Phases of EMDR Therapy

I’ve outlined the basics here, you can experience the complete journey of EMDR therapy by exploring the following comprehensive guide: “The 8 Phases of EMDR Therapy: A Guide to Healing from Trauma.” It offers a wealth of insights, real-world scenarios, and practical advice for individuals seeking healing from trauma. Check out the article here 👇



Kaushik M. of

I am Kaushik M., founder of LiveWellTalk, a blog where I share best tips on coping with mental health problems. Check it out here: